Saturday, June 2, 2007

Acropolis Athens all decoration removing to museums

UNESCO asks sculptures for the restoration of the monument according international laws. Greek government never asks officially restoration. Private interrests asking the remain decoration to be stored in the new museum that destroyed antiquities in archaeological area Makriyanni. There is protection solution in the free space for Acropolis by professor Skoulikidis but marbles start to be removed from the rock to the building


Anonymous said...

Whatever has been done is very well done. Stop discriminating against your country.

Anonymous said...

Discrimination is all what you see that happens by few vandals and what is your problem.
Is our country we pay taxes and with those money some clever people they destroy Clobal Heritage. They should think about discrimination before they do all this disaster.
Propably discrimination of my country it is their aim. Everything is published and broadcasting on TV programs.

The only who is discriminated is all those responsibles that they did all that TO MY COUNTRY.

Anonymous said...

And I hope that they did all this disasters,


and not because of hate to Democracy that was born in those places and to my Country, that VANDALS DESTROY.

(of course if someone did all this disasters only for money,
for sure he hates and Democracy and MY COUNTRY)

Anonymous said...

All those catastrophies of global heritage are very well done? For all those we have to be proud now?
OK Congrutulations then to the vandals that they promoting, their own civilization (?) this way and now we are very proud for their activities and for those results.